Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Emily Maynard ain't got nothin' on Shrena

That's right.. you read the title to this post correctly. Saturday night was the bachelorette party for one my life long friends, Shrena. I wanted to put a little picture blog of our many years together, but I thought I would spare Shrena the embarassment.

Shrena and I went to Grammar School together. K-12. That's right, folks, in Woodbury we still called it "Grammar School." All four of us, (along with a few very missed gals) went to Woodbury Grammar together.
Shrena and I cheered together for many years, had many classes togethers, trips together and remained great friends our whole lives. We were always kind of known as the pranksters. We were those girls in school who dressed in 80s clothes for group picture day; called our moms "fake crying" saying we didn't make the cheerleading squad; stole girls clothes while they were in the showers at cheer camp; "rolled" their rooms; made homemade "Sallie Jesse Rafauel" videos, complete with guests and paternity tests and SO MUCH MORE. I can not even begin to recall all the amazing, hilarious and ridiculous times I have shared with her, but I will recall one.. just for fun...

When we were sophmores in highschool the cheerleading squad took a group trip to the mountains. 16 girls and 5 moms in one huge cabin. Shrena and I somehow managed to get the basement to ourselves- which had it's own exit and just so happened to house to breaker box. One night we all watched a really scary movie. Naturally, everyone was scared to death and afraid to go to their bedrooms alone. About 30 minutes after everyone was tucked away in their rooms, Shrena and I devised a plan. We snuck out of the house and walked up to bedroom that had four of our fellow cheerleaders in it. (The mean ole' seniors) We gathered a few pebbles and threw them at their windows. Immediatly after, we ran into our room. After hearing the clammer and whining for about 30 minutes, everything settled down. We repeated this one more time. This time the girls were honestly scared. They all gathered in the main room and were telling the moms what had happened. Shrena and I had made our way back into the house and even joined in some of the discussion. Then, as we are all gathered together like scaredy cats, one of us snuck downstairs and flipped the main breaker to the house. Talk about a house full of whiny girls screaming?!??! I think a few tears were even shed before we admitted to our prank. It was certainly one of our favorites, though. They fell for our pranks EVERYTIME.

Shrena, I am SO happy for you and your upcoming marriage. I wish you many years of happiness together and look forward to many more shenanigans with you.

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