Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Fifty Shades of... Grey?

I have a way of visualizing things in my mind to a science. However, when it comes time to materialize that vision... well, that's another story. It can be tough to find that exact shade of color or that exact texture of what you're looking for. It seems so clear in your mind, but the Lowe's color pallets don't seem to read your mind quite like you thought they should. Whomp whomp.

An executive decision has been made and we are painting the house grey. I have this perfect vision in my mind of exactly what it will look like. Perfect. Great. Let's go get the paint. Easy enough, right? Not. Lowe's has about 88 bazillion thousand shades of grey. And at least 50 shades that are around the same shade I had imagined. However, they do not have one single shade that is EXACTLY what I was thinking. Urrrrrrgh. What to do.. So, I pondered on it. I tried to put the color into words... you know... all that stuff that really does no good unless you're a professional paint mixer.

Then... last Friday night we were working on the house. I went to Lowe's to get some random plumbing material that I know nothing about and couldn't even explain to the plumbing guy with out a picture. After leaving Lowe's, I was heading back over to the house with my random plumbing materials when it hit me....TADA!! BAM!! FIREWORKS. It was like this building was surrounded with a ray of sunshine and the perfect color of grey that I had imagined was sitting in front of my in a bubble sent down from heaven... in the form of a Red Lobster building. Hey, miracles come in all shapes and sizes, right?!

So, there it is folks... the new paint color will be the grey color of the Murfreesboro, TN Red Lobster off of Old Fort Parkway. That's right.. you heard me. 

It kind of looks something like this.. Like if you took these two houses and mushed them together...

 Wait, did I post these two houses for the actual color or just because I think they are both adorable? Who even knows..?

So... Fifty shades of grey has been narrowed down to one beautiful Red Lobster Grey. Ta-da!!

1 comment:

  1. What is the name and the brand of the Red Lobster Gray?
