Tuesday, September 16, 2014


As I took my morning walk today, I made myself a promise. I promised myself that no matter what today brought me, I was going to take the time to write. I was going to take the time to sit and write. Writing is my outlet- Most people would never guess that about me, but it just a perfect way for me to release. Chances are that not many people will ever read this post, but the effect it has on my sanity is all that I need.

My morning walk came and went. My "get ready" routine came and went and as I typed in the password on my phone walking in to the kitchen I saw 5 missed calls, 13 unread emails and 6 texts. Immediately, my thoughts were, "so, it's gonna be like that today? Please, no." I turned up my chin anyways. I made my smoothie, packed my vitamins, filled up a water bottle, gathered my things and started to head out the door as a bead of sweat welled up on my forehead.

"It doesn't matter, I am going to make the time to blog," I thought to myself.

Getting to the office in no way changed my tone for the day. An immediate rush of answering emails, texts, questions from co-workers and clients... next thing I know, I look down and it's 9am, 10am....tick tick.

That's it.

I went to the kitchen. I got my coffee. I shut my door. I locked my door. I turned on "The Stable Song" by Gregory Alan Isakov and took a few deep breaths and here I am.

Now, what do I write about? Writer's block. Dang it.  My mind was so busy running in a million directions that I can't even focus on what I want to write about.

I think I'll just sip.
Wait, that's genius. (Okay, maybe I'm being a little too kind.)

But seriously, it hit me. That is exactly what I want to write about. Sipping. Taking time to sip.

I don't wanna chug my coffee with my arms full as I rush out the door with a bead of sweat coming down my forehead.

I don't wanna burn my tounge as I spit profanities in my car because I sipped it too quickly and didn't let it cool.

I don't wanna spill coffee down my dress (which is covered in cat hair...hello, lint roller?!) because I'm rushing in traffic.

I wanna savor my coffee. I wanna sit. Uninterrupted. With plenty of deep breaths in between.
I wanna smell the coffee's sweet aroma.
I wanna list to the words from sweet Gregory Alan Isakov- oh those words are so sweet.
I wanna think about all the goodness my day is going to hold.
I wanna rest. Recharge. Yearn and Grow.

Sometimes we just need to take time to sip.

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