Friday, July 8, 2011

How Many Pillows Can You Fit in a 3 BR House?!

I'll admit- I have always had a small obsession with pillows. Pillows are fun! And, you can really make a major change in a room with just a small change of pillows.

The only downfall about pillows is that they can be a little pricy if you don't watch it- which is why I am always on the lookout for new inexpensive pillows. Even if I don't need pillows now, if you catch them on sale, you can use them sometime in the future when you're feeling a little ca-razy and want to spice up your room! (what am I talking about- you always need new pillows)

I do have a general rule of thumb on price for pillows. This works for me, but may not work for everyone. I really don't ever pay more than $18 for a pillow. Nice pillows can be anywhere from $20-$100 a pillow, but get a grip....who wants to pay $100 for a pillow?

A great resource for a nice and inexpensive pillow is TJ Maxx or Marshall's. Yesterday's afternoon activities landed me in TJ Maxx when I spotted these bad boys. Two extra large Euro-style Ralph Lauren pillows. They have a beautiful beige and tan stripe- very simple and elegant. My first thought was to take a picture of these with my phone and look for similar fabric to make them myself. Then I saw the price tag..... $9?!?!?! Is this a misprint?! Am I going to get into some kind of trouble when I pay for these?! Are they going to think I switched the tags?!?!   I'm willing to give it a try. I rushed to the counter to pay for my pillows and to my surprise... no mistake. It was legit! :) 

I love the size of these, too! They really make a great impression when you walk in and see these. They were really a great investment- and a small investment at that.

1 comment:

  1. Too bad I didn't get there first, I would have snached them up before you! :)

    LOVE THEM! so Jealous...we need pillows for our bed STAT! I will have to keep stalking TJ! :)
