I love these curtains. I want them for my dining room. Badly. On Saturday the lightning struck our modem and the internet went out so I have been desperately searching the web with my I Phone to find some curtains like this and to no avail...It's kind of hard to search on your I Phone, too. You have to squint a lot. When asked why I would not get off the phone, my response was ..."but, it's kind of an emergency." I did find a cool pair on Etsy, but they were a little pricy. I suppose I could make them? Any ideas? Have you seen these anywhere?
Okay, Okay... enough about curtains... We did have a fabulous weekend. On Sunday we decided to go down to Nashville and pretend to be tourists. You know, hit up all the activities that we locals tend to look over because it's cliche, etc. We went to the Pancake Pantry in Hillsboro Village, the Greenway, Riverfront, Nashboro and even Tootsie's. You can always spot a tourist in Nashville. They will be the ones wearing a Cowboy hat and Cowboy boots. You know, because they want to "fit in". When in Rome..
I did take this fun pictures on Riverfront/ Back of 2nd.
Now, if I could just magically change is Monday into Friday- that would be great.
I bet you could make some easy! And if you didn't want to to the hem at the top, you could use those shower curtain rings that have clips!