Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Whispers in the Dark

December is an odd month. It's a time to look back and reflect on the year...The things we have done. The things we haven't done. The things we have fixed. The things we have screwed up. The places we have gone. The people we have met. The lessons we have learned.  December is always a time of reflection on not only the past, but the future and what the next year could bring us.

December is an important month for me. Not just to reflect on goals and resolutions. It's important to me for reasons much greater than that. December is the anniversary of that lonely cold morning when we were delivered the news of Dad's stroke. I remember every minute detail like it was only yesterday. The bearer of bad news.. the confusion of what it meant.. seeing him whisked out of the elevator into intensive care..being sick to my stomach at the thought of my daddy dying..touching his hand for the first time and feeling a gentle squeeze of hope. To say it was devastating was an understatement.

December has been a month in my history to hold some truly heartbreaking events. But whats so much more important than that is the miracles I have seen and continue to see each and every December. Not only did Dad survive that hard December day, but he survived that entire December. And the December after that... and a total of 14 more Decembers after that. December is our miracle month. December is our month of thankfulness for his survival. December is our month of happiness to see yet another snowflake fall onto his beard. December is our month of laughter and cheer at the giggles we share over "Christmas Vacation" and the patented Christmas Tree picture. December is our month to renew those Hot Rod subscriptions. December is our month to be glad and rejoice for this amazing miracle and blessing in our lives.

Here's to many more Decembers.

I love you, Daddy, more than you will ever know.

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